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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Patch My PC Publisher

Showing 560

Detection method by DisplayVersion and InstallLocation

Some applications change property in the registry durning installation, based on the culture settings (DisplayName, PSChildName) and the detection method script fails. I suggest adding a switch to the detection method script, that will only check ...
Sebastian Pawlowski almost 4 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Filter selected applications and update

can it be possible to filter app or update list with only selected ?
pierre altmayer 5 months ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Persist customizations even if app/patch is disabled then re-enabled

If I uncheck an item that had customizations accidentally, then recheck it, the customizations are wiped out even without hitting Apply or Save and Close. I understand this design might be so that you start fresh without customizations but maybe a...
Winston Snider over 1 year ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Update or Provide Option to Alter the Repair Command Line

Had a few occasions lately where the Cached package was missing or corrupt. This caused the built in Repair option to fail. Changing the repair option to the following corrected the issue. Using the v option to re-cache the local file. msiexec.exe...
Chris Macnichol over 4 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 2 SUBMITTED

Application Requirements to include Virtual Machines

this would allow certain pieces of software to only be installed on VM's, currently the only options are Only install on servers or only install on workstations. It would be useful for some pieces of software (VMTools as an example) to be pushed o...
Guest over 1 year ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Auto-close service software, instead of skipping

Some software in our catalogue are generally background series and do not interact with users of the computer. For example, Azure Monitor Agent is an example. Today, Patch My PC sets the feature Manage Conflicting Processes to skip as default for ...
Guest 6 months ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Option to set naming convention Configuration Manager Apps/Updates on All Products

Just like with the Intune Apps and Updates, we would like to be able to specify the naming convention when right clicking "All Products". This would save a ton of time manually setting a naming convention when deploying apps.
Nick Sullivan 6 months ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Stop Publishing Updates and/or Applications No Longer Detected in SCCM DB

On each Publishing Service sync, Patch My PC queries the SCCM DB to see what applications are installed on workstations. Can an option be added to "uncheck" updates from the list of updates and/or applications in the PMP Publishing Service setting...
Roger M over 3 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Add package version rollback

Hi, I think it would be very cool, if a previous version of an application would be kept in the catalog so in case of new issue, a roll-back to the last version could be made. Best Regards,Ingo
Ingo Engels almost 2 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 1 SUBMITTED

Intune Updates Dynamic Assignment - search criteria based on CVE

Please allow the option to dynamically deploy updates based on particular CVEs
Liviu Barbat over 1 year ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED