A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Allow The sync schedule to be every Friday, but also to be able to choose the second Tuesday of the Month to catch (often) updates that are pushed specifically at the same time as MS
It would be great to be able to be able to see the number of assignments on an app in it's own column, much like when looking at the 'Deployments' column in the ConfigMgr console - I ran into an issue where I had to go through each, one by one in ...
Update or Provide Option to Alter the Repair Command Line
Had a few occasions lately where the Cached package was missing or corrupt. This caused the built in Repair option to fail. Changing the repair option to the following corrected the issue. Using the v option to re-cache the local file. msiexec.exe...
Make it clear when an application has strayed from the defaults
In the publishing service, it's unclear without right clicking on an application if it has strayed from the publishing service defaults. Make this clear with a color or icon so we know that we've made some change to that one.
Intune Updates - Dynamic Assignments - add Release Date column for Preview button
In some cases, IT Teams need to know when a certain update was released, so, after adding the desired criteria, when the Preview button is pressed, it would be nice to also show the ReleaseDate.
Software Center - Privacy URL and User Documentation
Seems we are able to edit things like Title, Icon, and Description. Can we also add the ability to edit the Privacy URL and User Documentation. This way we are able to add our own custom hyperlinks to these sections. Could use it to easily point u...
Feature Request - Publish application with empty content folder
Many of the applications that can be updated via PatchMyPC have both Corporate and Free licensed versions, it would be extremely handy to publish an empty content application that has the install/uninstall commands and detection methods. Then we c...
It would be useful if we could customise the 'Update In Progress' prompt when a user is trying to open a conflicting processes, to maybe include company branding and/or change the text, add an icon or add some test like 'Patch My PC Updates Servic...
Brief Overview:The current Toast notification requesting an application shutdown/restart is static and persistent, causing users who are utilizing their main display to lose a portion of their display until the toast notification is resolved. UIX ...