A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Application Creation: Preserve Superseeded application on update
Like dependencies it would be helpful, if superseedence information would be preserved during upade of the application by PatchMyPC. We have a few apps where we first need to remove previous version before install will succeed.
Mandatory update of the EOS application. If the version of the application on a given computer is EOS, it is autmatically updated to the latest version.
was wondering if the publishing service could use edge runtimes to download the app installers for older systems (for instance server 2012) where newer ciphers are not supported and therefore some downloads arent working (if i remember correctly w...
At the moment it is possible to run a single pre or post script for an app/update. It would be useful to have the option to run multiple pre/post scripts. Often customers will have scripts that perform a single task but need to run multi pre/post ...
Google Chrome doesn't require manage conflict to be used normally. However in the case of a zero day we want users to shut down the browser and update immediately. It would be great if we could turn on manage conflict for the next publish only. Sc...
Many Organizations create a folder within Configuration Manger per vendor or even per application, Patch My PC should have options to automatically place ConfigMgr Applications in these folders automatically (or create the folders as needed)
Option to merge settings, as well as overwrite, during import
The ability to choose between merging and overwriting settings when importing. use case: 2 installations of the Publisher, 1 for ConfigMgr and 1 for Intune only. when wanting to consolodate down to 1 install there is no easy way to merge those set...
Abillity to move application settings from one PmP site to another
We are currently managing multiple PmP installations. When we have approved a new product to be run by PmP we have to setup the application so it fits our infrastructure and the rules we have. Under Advanced there is a possibility to export Settin...