A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
We use it to automate Kiosks for auto logon type stuff using the edge browser. The driver and edge browser are version specific. We've found that if edge gets ahead of the driver, issues arise in our automations. Its just an executable, no real in...
Password Depot and Password Depot Enterprise Server
We use Password Depot in our IT departments for own password tresors and to share with the department(s). For manage the application and shared password storage, the Enterprise Server application is needed. Is would be nice, if you assigne this to...
Can you please start supporting this app? A lot of german companies might benefit from it: Link to MSI: https://knowledge.starface.de/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=46564694#id-%C3%9CbersichtderSTARFACEDownloads-STARFACEAppforWindows(MSI) Link to EX...
Is it possible you could add Office Timeline to PMPC? https://img.officetimeline.com/website/Content/download/install/4-3-4/OfficeTimelinePreExtracted.zip Not sure if its a issue it is in a zip file. But this will make it so much easier to maintain.
Workspace Environment Management is required on Citrix VDIs. It's be nice to be able to install and update from PMPC. It's a fairly basic install but it will require paramaters to be passed to the EXE. "Updates" are a full reinstall.