A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
How complex is the installer?Windows Installer Does the installer have a public download ?Yes Is the installer digitally signed ?Yes Is the installer downloaded in EXE , MSI , or MSP format?MSI Does the installer support silent installations ?Yes ...
Citrix Workspace has both an offline and online installer. The offline one comes with the prerequisites built in, so dependencies don't have to be set up. The offline installer requires a login on the vendor's website to be downloaded, however.
Adding Configuration Manager Support Center would be nice, it's included with ConfigMgr ($ConfigMgrLocation\tools\SupportCenter), so it would likely need to be an app that you add to local content. It's a very simple MSI that installs cleanly via ...
Maybe Patch My PC considers adding Bizagi Modeler into update catalog list.
Download link: https://www.bizagi.com/en/products/bpm-suite/modeler
Possible to peform silent installation by using two methods:
1) First method considers creating an ....
This is for the Censornet Web Security USS client. We are not yet a customer, but are intrigued by the application request process and this is a critical application to our deployment.