A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
It would be helpful to have some kind of export function in the cloud portal deployment section including the most important app settings. This would help to find failures in e.g. the assignments
I already love the new App Discovery feature, but I think it would be easier to use, if you would be notified about new unmanaged but supported applications in your environment. This would resolve having to check the discovery page and instead cou...
Catalog Apps seem to come with a pre-defined install parameter set. It would be great if these could be changed (e.g. to remove "/SILENT" switches to allow users to manipulate setup parameters, especially on apps for developers etc.) reset to stan...
Matthias Fleschütz
about 1 month ago
in Patch My PC Cloud
It would be great if some actions could be executed on multiple entries of deployments or discovery list. E.g. "Pause update", "Sync" or even "Edit Assignments" etc.
An option to block certain apps from being deployed in a company, to prevent mistakes (prefferable together with an explanation and an override option).
Currently, if I want all my deployments to be evaluated, the best option is to wait for the current scheduled sync to take place. Please add an option to start a sync for my entire Company manually. This setting should allow to start a sync across...
https://patchmypc.com/custom-options-available-for-third-party-updates-and-applications#custom-application-properties There is an option to rename the Deployment Display Name when deploying an app, but the name won't be the exact one specified, as...
Custom defaults for Conflicting Process > Settings
We frequently adjust the advanced settings within the conflicting processes section. As a business, we typically use the same configuration 90% of the time, allowing our end users to become familiar with options such as how many times they can def...
Set logging to a different directory - PMPC Cloud Currently, the logs are saved under %programdata%\PatchMyPCIntuneLogs.Please provide an option to allow logs to be saved to a different location.