A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
We have configured PatchmyPC in our environment. Please add the following two applications, as PMPC does not support them. Claro Screen Ruler 3.3
Dolphin Computer Access Dolphin SuperNova 21.01
ERwin ERwin Data Modeler (Navigator Edition R9) 9.7
Editing delimited text files can be a painful and ugly experience with a standard text editor such as NotePad. Data can look scattered, almost random. Killink CSV gives you a clear view of your data through its spreadsheet editor designed specific...
Digitus inMailX PDFWriter incorporates GhostScript which is no longer available to autoupdate. Due to vulnerabilities in Ghostscript, it would be great to be able to automate patching of inMailX PDFWriter with PMPC.
While performing cleanup of adobe reader it was reported that even the full adobe product was getting uninstalled and even MUI versions of the product when we did not want that. Sadly, the current detection scripts are too generic and due to how r...
If a customer specifies a code-signing cert to sign the detection and requirement scripts for Intune, allow an option to also sign the pre/post scripts they specify. This will save time, and the scripts won't have to be signed manually.