A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Sublime Text 3 was recently removed from the PatchMyPC catalogue due to not having registry keys or file version info that could be used for detection. According to https://github.com/sublimehq/sublime_text/issues/2911 this has now been resolved i...
When using selective sync, you are prompted to select the products after clicking the Run Publisher Service Sync. It's not immediately obvious that in order to select more than one item at a time, you have to either use Ctrl+Click, Shift+Click, or...
Keeper Command compliments the Keeper Vault (Already published) by allowing CLI access to the vault and to SSH to other devices using keys stored in the vault. The Installer using InnoSetup.
it would be useful, in a update scenario, to "upgrade" EXE installation to a MSI based installation. i.e. if the user installed VLC media player by installing the EXE, but during the update, admin prefer to install the MSI version
Parlay 2.0 is a parcel data layer for Google Earth. Allows users to view property lines, parcel boundaries, and real estate parcel attribute data for over 157 million properties. Useful for anyone in the real estate industry or mapping boundaries ...
Git Bash is used by lots of developer and it would be cool for this to be available via Path My PC. My team are getting a deluge of request to install it at the moment. :)