A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Below is the information for Wireshark.
Product: WireShark | Vendor: Wireshark Foundation
Download x64: https://1.eu.dl.wireshark.org/win64/Wireshark-win64-3.0.1.exe
Download x86: https://1.eu.dl.wireshark.org/win32/Wireshark-win32-3.0.1.ex...
Add indicator to App / Update in Publisher Console if manual download required
Please add some type of indicator next to the product name in the Publishing Console to indicate that the product requires a manual download. It could be something as simple as adding a '*'. You could also add make it a hyperlink to the page on th...
The Kotobee Reader is the preferred ePub document reader for LOMA.org which is where a number of our employees obtain training from. Providing the app via PMPC would save us from manually packaging updates.
Meld helps you compare files, directories, and version controlled projects. It provides two- and three-way comparison of both files and directories, and has support for many popular version control systems. Meld helps you review code changes and u...
Per-product retention setting for Intune Apps and Updates
In the ConfigMgr Apps tab is it possible to configure per-product retention settings via the right click option Manage application update and retention… This request is create per-product retention options available in both of the Intune tabs.