A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Its a freeware to open specific files created with PTC Creo. Currently we have to publish it using the custom app feature but It's not updated automatially.
For customers who change their retention policy from more to less retained older versions, should have the option to bulk delete all apps that no longer meet that retention policy. For example, if I currently have the retain option set for 2 previ...
Our Labs would like to use both super lab 6 and super lab 5 https://cedrus.com/superlab/update/v5/index.htm SuperLab X6 integrates with SMI and Tobii eye trackers. It provides live integration , allowing a researcher to easily build gaze contingen...
The current implementation requires me to switch between each ring's tab to understand what version is in what ring. I would like a general or overview tab showing me in a simple manner what version is currently deployed to what rings. Ideally, I ...
Add .net core packages back to the catalog for initial install only
We used to have the .net core and .net core SDK packages available to install from the catalog however these have been removed as MS added these to the WSUS catatlogs however this is not helpful if you are not using WSUS (Intune only). Please can ...