A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
https://www.thinksai.com/en-eu/products/flexi SAi Flexi is the only all-in-one design, print and cut software for sign and print providers. With nearly 3 out of 4 shops using it, Flexi is the industry-standard for sign-specific design tools, RIP s...
Application Creation: Preserve Superseeded application on update
Like dependencies it would be helpful, if superseedence information would be preserved during upade of the application by PatchMyPC. We have a few apps where we first need to remove previous version before install will succeed.
Vendor media download source direct from PatchMyPC website
it would be great if the downloads came from PatchMyPC.Com, as getting firewall rules approved in the modern day with IT Secuirty is, to say the least, painful, a collegue suggest we move to another product, but I love PatchMyPC and want to remain...
Mandatory update of the EOS application. If the version of the application on a given computer is EOS, it is autmatically updated to the latest version.