A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Miniconda is a free minimal installer for conda. It is a small bootstrap version of Anaconda that includes only conda, Python, the packages they both depend on, and a small number of other useful packages (like pip, zlib, and a few others).
Support Remotely Changing the Publishing Service Settings from Another Device
I'm not sure if this is too much of a stretch, would over-complicate things or even possible but figured I'd put it out there.
It'd be nice to have a single pane of glass to work from, even if it was only the commonly used features eg Update Rules...
We have certain events like an AGM in our organization, where we want to pause all updates for a day. From what i see we need to do it for every app individually
Please add peripherals in hardware inventory of Advanced Insights
Please add peripherals in hardware inventory of Advanced Insights like the following: Webcam Useful when migrating to Windows Hello for Business and you're trying to track who all still has non-compatible external webcams. The rest are good to hav...
This application was difficult for me to figure out how to install via Intune. Also, it would be another one required to be downloaded by the end user first because the download is behind a login prompt
It would be super usefull to be able to add a notes field or even add custom fields to the apps available in the PMPC Cloud Portal (both PMPC and Custom). Notes/fields only available to your own company.
Overwrite additional files when adding new version of custom app issue
When adding a new version to an existing custom app and you also need to add new versions of the additional files, it would be useful to ask to replace the existing ones. I had an issue with adding the same files (new version) again and the upload...
Pepijn Vermeersch
about 1 month ago
in Custom Apps
Include detailed version number in Update packages name from PMPC Cloud
The latest update of for example Python has this name in Intune when it comes from PMPC Cloud "Update for Python 3.12 3.12", and this name when it comes from the Publisher "Update for Python 3.12 3.12.6150.0 (x64)". Can the Update packages from Cl...
Reinstall Apps with New Customization Using Registry Key Detection and Supersedence
Many clients face issues when republishing apps with new customizations using Publisher, as the new configurations/settings do not apply if the user already has the same version of the app installed. This proposal suggests adding an option to rein...