A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Would we be able to create a dashboard/report for ConfigMgr updates that a customer may have enabled that are "not required" on all 100% of devices? Then possibly create a button that allows them to remove them from the environment and/or uncheck ...
Similar to the CVE Import Wizard for CM applications / updates (https://patchmypc.com/how-the-cve-import-wizard-works-for-matching-cve-ids) It'd be a great idea to allow the same functionality for Intune applications / updates.
We would like an option to list by remediation rather than CVE. Some remediations cover multiple CVEs and we feel it would be more effective to filter in this way.
Add Right Click Customize Application for Multiple Command Lines and/or Apps
We’d like to have the capability to create multiple versions of an application. Ideally, we’d have a toggle or option that allows us to generate and customize additional copies of the app. That way every publishing sync would generate a new copy o...
Microsoft's new standalone version of WinDbg is only being offered as a standalone .appinstaller-wrapped MSIX package instead of being distributed by the Microsoft Store (like the older WinDbg preview version). Vendor notes: https://learn.microsof...
Forced deadline behavior for conflicting process publish date n+30
I would like a forced deadline install switch in the conflicting process behavior. This would allow for an escalating experience. The example would be N+30 where N is the publish or release date plus 30 days. When this happens it ignores the confl...