A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Our customers have trialed and love this application and want to purchase the license. We don't want to purchase unless we can patch the product. Do you think it will be possible? :)
Add SwyXLT client (Single Package) and SwyxWare Administration
Download Links : For SWYXLT : https://www.swyxdownload.com/download/swyxit!_13.26.0.0_64bit_english_uk.zip Older version : https://www.swyxdownload.com/download/swyxware_administration_13.26.0.0_64bit_english_uk.zip For SWYXWARE : https://www.swyx...
Acrobat Reader detection should check both x86 and x64
Adobe is switching Reader to 64-bit. Reader 32-bit should consider itself installed if 64-bit is already installed. We shouldn't need to rely on CM collection queries.
MSP Limited Admin Accounts (for Customer IT staff)
It would be great to provide MSP customers that have an internal IT team with limited admin accounts that allow them to see their apps and configs in Patch My PC Cloud. Also it would make sense to have the ability to limit some MSP admin accounts ...
Notify for New CVEs/Threats in the Treat Analytics View
If there is a new threat or CVE found in the environment, it would be great to get notified via email or a webhook like Teams. How many devices? The score of CVE / Severity Maybe not in the email, but link to the vulnerability being tracked Remedi...
Toad is the only developer tool of its kind that will simplify your workflow, help reduce code defects and improve code quality and performance while supporting team collaboration. On the operations side, you can automate administration tasks and ...
Catalog Newsletter - Note which apps are Local Content
When sending the daily catalog newsletter email, it would be nice if it was indicated which apps were local content so that content could be added prior to sync.