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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:


All ideas

Showing 2998

Let ChatGPT Unleash Its Magic on Your Idea Portal!

Hey PatchMyPC pals, I hope this message finds you well and not buried under an avalanche of feature requests! It seems like your idea portal might be feeling a tad overwhelmed, and I have just the solution to sprinkle some fairy dust and bring ord...
Claudio Mendes 10 months ago in Incompatible Requests 2 SUBMITTED

Printer Logic updater

We have printer logic in intune apps but there is no updates for it in the intune updates section and has to be done manually
Guest over 1 year ago in Patch My PC Publisher 1 SUBMITTED

Stratsys GrabCAD

This app is used to run a variety of Stratsys 3D printers.
C.J. Woods about 4 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

Ability to export App Catalog to .csv or .xlsx

This is a request to provide the ability to export the App Catalog table to a .csv or .xlsx file.
Ellis Barrett about 1 year ago in Custom Apps 0 SUBMITTED

VMware Enhanced Authentication Plug-in

The VMware Enhanced Authentication Plug-in provides Integrated Windows Authentication and Windows-based smart card functionality for various VMWare applications
Guest over 3 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 3 SUBMITTED

Advanced Insights report unused ConfigMgr Updates

Would we be able to create a dashboard/report for ConfigMgr updates that a customer may have enabled that are "not required" on all 100% of devices? Then possibly create a button that allows them to remove them from the environment and/or uncheck ...
Chris Dalton 8 months ago in Reporting (Advanced Insights) 0 NOTED

Security Dashboard Inverted Search

We would like an option to list by remediation rather than CVE. Some remediations cover multiple CVEs and we feel it would be more effective to filter in this way.
tom pionk 10 months ago in Reporting (Advanced Insights) 0 NOTED

Patch My PC Defined Pre/Post Script Log Location

Hi, It would be great if it was possible to decide where the PMP define scripts logs are saved on the client's computer. Currently, the following is hardcoded under the PatchMyPC-Remove-Application-X.ps1 script : "C:\Windows\Temp\PatchMyPC-' + $($...
David D about 1 year ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Intel® Driver & Support Assistant

Intel® Driver & Support Assistant easy do downlad and install.
Aleksander Wroński almost 2 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 2 SUBMITTED

Forced deadline behavior for conflicting process publish date n+30

I would like a forced deadline install switch in the conflicting process behavior. This would allow for an escalating experience. The example would be N+30 where N is the publish or release date plus 30 days. When this happens it ignores the confl...
Nicholas Swanzy 10 months ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED