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Add SwyXLT client (Single Package) and SwyxWare Administration
Download Links : For SWYXLT : https://www.swyxdownload.com/download/swyxit!_13.26.0.0_64bit_english_uk.zip Older version : https://www.swyxdownload.com/download/swyxware_administration_13.26.0.0_64bit_english_uk.zip For SWYXWARE : https://www.swyx...
Acrobat Reader detection should check both x86 and x64
Adobe is switching Reader to 64-bit. Reader 32-bit should consider itself installed if 64-bit is already installed. We shouldn't need to rely on CM collection queries.
Its a freeware to open specific files created with PTC Creo. Currently we have to publish it using the custom app feature but It's not updated automatially.
The current implementation requires me to switch between each ring's tab to understand what version is in what ring. I would like a general or overview tab showing me in a simple manner what version is currently deployed to what rings. Ideally, I ...