A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Our customers have trialed and love this application and want to purchase the license. We don't want to purchase unless we can patch the product. Do you think it will be possible? :)
Hi team, Would it be possible to make P81 available via PMP? This is a new zero-trust VPN solution which is gaining more and more popularity and having it in your software catalogue will certainly be helpful.
Forced deadline behavior for conflicting process publish date n+30
I would like a forced deadline install switch in the conflicting process behavior. This would allow for an escalating experience. The example would be N+30 where N is the publish or release date plus 30 days. When this happens it ignores the confl...
Accessibility Software from texthelp: Equatio for Windows
Texthelp provides a portfolio of popular accessibility software utilized in the education sector. This specific request is for Equatio: https://www.texthelp.com/products/equatio/ This is a straightforward install for most users where licensing is ...
Add SwyXLT client (Single Package) and SwyxWare Administration
Download Links : For SWYXLT : https://www.swyxdownload.com/download/swyxit!_13.26.0.0_64bit_english_uk.zip Older version : https://www.swyxdownload.com/download/swyxware_administration_13.26.0.0_64bit_english_uk.zip For SWYXWARE : https://www.swyx...
Would we be able to create a dashboard/report for ConfigMgr updates that a customer may have enabled that are "not required" on all 100% of devices? Then possibly create a button that allows them to remove them from the environment and/or uncheck ...
Today you can only specify the process name for a conflicting process. If you choose to prevent the end-user from opening an application while it is running, the process name is what is shown in the notification box. However, I think it would bett...
Not sure if the this is supported today as I cannot find any mention of it in the documentation but it would be very helpful to be able to support multiple AD groups for the defined roles in AI. Rather than creating a role for each AG Group and ma...