A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
A full-featured database management tool with an easy connection process to AWS, Microsoft Azure, and GCP databases via Cloud Explorer . This tool allows to work with different databases in any region and quickly switch configurations.
The Google Cloud CLI is a set of tools to create and manage Google Cloud resources. You can use these tools to perform many common platform tasks from the command line or through scripts and other automation. For example, you can use the gcloud CL...
We were using AdoptOpenJDK with OpenJ9 for IBM's Access Client Solutions (ACS). With their switch to Eclipse they are no longer able to build the OpenJ9 release. It has switched to IBM in their Semeru product.
We enable "Auto-enable product to be published as an update if installed on at least 1 device" and exclude from auto-publishing rules for some software. If new major version of that software is released, the current process is Patch My PC show ano...
When using SMTP alerting you only get the Publishing Service Report, but with Webhooks you can configure to post a specific notification level (All, Error, Success). It would be nice to also configure SMTP alerts that had the same sort of notifica...
Please consider adding an option to use MBAM 2.5. SP1 for the BitLocker compliance reporting. We realize MBAM 2.5 SP1 will go EOL in 4/2026, but we cannot migrate MBAM to ConfigMgr because we have already changed our "Endpoint Protection" co-manag...
Some companies always use the same Availability/Restart grace period settings for all apps. It would be cool if we could define some 'default' settings that apply to all applications by default, but can be changed on an application level.
Integrate Intune App Updates Device Restart with Active Hours
Windows 10 have Active Hours built-in which checks when the user is using the device. With Windows updates, we can schedule updates outside of active hours. It would be good if you configure that the Device Restart has to happen outside of active ...
We have several users in our environment using MileStone XProtectSmartClient, we package and deploy to users on regular basis. We would like it added to the PMP catalog.