A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Hello, We would like to see Solibri in the update catalog in the near future. It updates frequently and every update is a must for most organisations. Thanks.
Mozilla released a new ESR version back in August. Submitting this request now so some of us can start planning to migrate our enterprises to ESR 91. Requesting specifically the MSI version here, not the EXE. There's no direct link to ESR release ...
Add column to Publisher with icons showing active right click options
Currently the only way to see which updates and apps have right click options enabled is by right clicking on the individual products. With a large list of products, it's impossible to remember what modifications have been made to which products. ...
Many times i needed to find all the groups assigned to the apps and export them. This usually involved clumsy scripting utilizing graph API to do so. Since Patchmypc already uses graphAPI heavily, i thought it would be a nice feature to add better...
There is a direct link to downloading the latest version, https://aka.ms/fslogix_download. It would be a nice addition if the file could be automatically downloaded.
In the Updates/ConfigMgr Apps/Intune Apps/Intune Updates tabs, add an Inline Search at the top that will match all Publishers AND/OR Products (and obviously expand the node if matching by Product name).
This is a major network monitoring tool that was recently the subject of a high-profile hacking/malware attack. Keeping it patched is clearly a good idea!
Right now the RSS feed contains both Updates to apps as well as newly released apps from the team. This works great! However if there was an RSS feed just for new apps I could better determine if I need to add them to be patched or deployed.