A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Citrix Workspace has both an offline and online installer. The offline one comes with the prerequisites built in, so dependencies don't have to be set up. The offline installer requires a login on the vendor's website to be downloaded, however.
This is for the Censornet Web Security USS client. We are not yet a customer, but are intrigued by the application request process and this is a critical application to our deployment.
The Google Cloud CLI is a set of tools to create and manage Google Cloud resources. You can use these tools to perform many common platform tasks from the command line or through scripts and other automation. For example, you can use the gcloud CL...
Editing delimited text files can be a painful and ugly experience with a standard text editor such as NotePad. Data can look scattered, almost random. Killink CSV gives you a clear view of your data through its spreadsheet editor designed specific...
Improvement of user experience in case of Conflicting Processes Toast Notification
Please add a variable to show the Product version in the Header text of Toast Notification of the Right Click Option "Manage Conflicting processes" . A lot of our User would like to know the Version of the Product which is about to install/update ...
It's an application used to organize desktop icons and move them as a group. It will also create a Fence that points to a network shared folder. Really great tool that a huge chunk of our company uses.