A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Although it's nice that PMPC adds the uninstall option to applications, it would be even better to make this optional as some applications, although deployed as available may have the need to not be uninstallable by the user.
Intune Updates - Dynamic Assignments - add Release Date column for Preview button
In some cases, IT Teams need to know when a certain update was released, so, after adding the desired criteria, when the Preview button is pressed, it would be nice to also show the ReleaseDate.
Hello, It would be a great a idea to have a PowerBI Template for WSUS-only environments. There are quite a few i know that are not using SCCM due to constraints but would love to have a Compliance report on the fly. While WSUS provides the built-i...
Add a button to change the view in "ConfigMgr Apps"
The list in the view is quite long. If you don't have that many products enabled yet it is quite a bit of scrolling up and down. Maybe a button or rightclick can be added to change the view to selected only or a list of selected products.