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Lenovo Thininstaller is a light weight tool to patch Drivers and Firmare on Lenovo enterprise computers. You already have the Lenovo Dock Manager in the Catalogue which takes care about Lenovo Dock Firmware updates. The Dock Manager and the Thinin...
Filters for Email Report(s) going to different recipients
Add the option of creating multiple email Reports with different Filtering options (All, Success, Errors, Warnings, Manual Download, etc) for each report plus the option of going to different recipients for each report.
Azz Cardfile incorporates many useful tools in one piece of software: simple and powerful, totally customizable organizer without predefined fields, Recipe Software, Address Book, Rolodex, Contact Management Software, Small Database, Organizer for...
Kyocera is a very popular Printer manufacturer in Germany, a lot of gouverment instances use them as their main printers. A Collection with all Kyocera Printer drivers would be nice.
Change ConfigMgr Source Directory for Applications
I would love to see the ability to change the name of the directory created by PMP for application deployments when stored on local file servers. For example, our deployment was setup to put all of the source data in \\fileserver\IT\Apps but due t...