A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
https://patchmypc.com/custom-options-available-for-third-party-updates-and-applications#custom-application-properties There is an option to rename the Deployment Display Name when deploying an app, but the name won't be the exact one specified, as...
assuming that UAT groups are mostly applied to all apps in the same manner it would make sense to enable some kind of global assignments. (like it was possible in publisher) For now its quite painfull to assign all UAT groups ( 4 in our case ) to ...
Integrate the new auto-update capability within app available app assignments: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/intune/apps/apps-win32-supersedence#use-auto-update-with-app-supersedence Uses the win32LobAppAutoUpdateSettings resource type in ...
Request for Logitech G Hub to be included in catalog. It is primary used for gaming accessories (headset / mice etc) and in the COVID / WFH era, staff would like to utilise their own headset for meetings.
I've seen, that AbaClient is available in English. For our customers this would be great if the other language (German, French, Italian) are also available.
With the release of UniFi Identity Endpoint, administrators can leverage their Cloud Gateways to manage identities within their networking solutions. Being able to manage this app within Intune through PmPC, similarly to Enterprise, would be a tim...