A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Some programs does not start automatically after update/installation, looking at you Cisco 😠. Currently this can only be achieved with a combination of post-installation scripts and scheduled tasks. This being quite a hassle to develop for each ap...
Maintain assignment of previous version of app until the new one is installed with the install after x days
When a new patch shows up and is deployed the previous versions assignment are deleted. In some cases we use install app after a number of days and not immediate install would it be possible to keep the assignment of the previous version until the...
Email Alerts - Ability to customize the whole message
Currently in the Publisher console, when enabling the "Send Email Reports", the customization for the message are pretty basic: change the subject field of the email message and add a string of text before the report itself. We would like to have ...
The Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service is frequently updated by Autodesk. I don't see this in the catalogue. Info Autodesk Licensing Service download: https://www.autodesk.com/support/technical/article/caas/tsarticles/ts/f5IhBc15i0kOwzBb8lcEN.html...