A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Add Filtering and Default Exclusions to Local Admins Report
Seeing as most machines are all members of Domain Admins and all have a local Administrator account, could we get a default filter that removes these from the report? Also, if you enable the filter to show the local Administrator account, could th...
Currently the OS Uptime report, shows all systems and their uptime, however this is not necessarily correct. Need filter for inactive or offline systems. Looked at one employee where he has two systems, one system that stays in the office the othe...
Would like to request an integration for MSPs. Once Advanced Insights is available with Intune, could you consider integrating it with ScalePad Lifecycle Insights? The goal is to have license counts, stats, etc. As an MSP, streamlining this inform...
While its great to be able to connect to Active Directory or even Azure Active Directory you still need to enter your username and password. Would be great if you could extend Single Sign-on so you don't have re-enter credentials to the site.
Splashtop streamer is required to enable you to remote control the machine. This is critical during COVID-19 as all our users are now working remotely.
As with other Dell products, it would be immensely helpful to have this program patched/packaged with PMPC. I just ran into an issue the other day, with a new laptop, because I had an older version.