This is a semi-regularly updated app used by Physicists. The main website is and the actual software is hosted on GitHub.
There were 4 updates to this software in 2020, and the software install is consistent across versions (they use InnoSetup). In 2019 there were more updates (around 12 if I counted correctly) but, again, the installer has not changed.
Since it's hosted on GitHub they offer a json feed of the latest versions
For what it's worth I use the following powershell for our evergreen process
$sourceAppInfo = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri | ConvertFrom-Json
$sourceURI = $sourceAppInfo.assets | Where-Object name -Like "*-64.exe*" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty browser_download_url
$exeVersion = $sourceAppInfo.tag_name