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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Created by Paul Andrews
Created on Jul 2, 2019

Mersive Solstice Client

1) Product: Solstice Client | Vendor: Mersive Technologies
3)<release number>.msi
4) /quiet
Here are the MSI installation instructions -
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Justin Chalfant
    Sep 5, 2019

    Hey Paul, sorry nothing yet. We have been making some pretty significant changes within the publishing service for the application feature we released a few months back, and that caused us to lock down new apps for a bit. We should start loping through the application request in the next month or two. This request does have a pretty decent number of votes so it will probably be near the upper end as we work through the request.

  • Paul Andrews
    Sep 5, 2019

    @Justin any update on this being added to the list of supported applications?

  • Admin
    Justin Chalfant
    Aug 23, 2019

    Awesome, this is good to know. This will un-block the detection issue we would have previously had. We will keep this in mind as we start working through the pending application request.

  • Paul Andrews
    Aug 23, 2019

    About a month ago received the following from Founder and CTO,

    [was forwarded] the dialog you’ve been having with our support team regarding the lack of version metadata in the .msi installer.  It’s a good request – and given our focus on enterprise support at scale, we need to support version metadata as you point out.  I talked with our VP of engineering and we pulled our lead build engineer off another project to make the change.

     The 4.2 version, scheduled for next week, will include this update.  Metadata containing the client version will be in the .msi file as well as the client executable itself.  Thanks for letting us know what’s important to you – it’s how we continue to refine the product.  Please let us know once 4.2 is released how things go.


    I have confirmed that the 4.2.14160 release now contains the version information in both the MSI file as well as the executable for the SolsticeClient also contains this information. Hopefully with this additional information this can be moved from reviewing to working on. 

  • Nic W
    Aug 6, 2019

    Hey Justin, Mersive has updated the latest version to include file information from the MSI installer in the SolsticeClient.exe file

  • Nic W
    Jul 30, 2019

    I'm glad Paul's Mersive rep is replying; we've had an open request for this going on 12 weeks now and received nothing more than "we're working on it".

  • Paul Andrews
    Jul 16, 2019

    Received the following from our Mersive Account Manager:

    "[W]e are going to be adding the version info to Solstice.  Our engineers agree that this should be done to support our enterprise customers using third party management software.  While the programming is a very light work-load, the testing and QA checking is a larger work-load.  This will be done relatively quickly on our end, and we should have this delivered by our 4.3 release.  Our 4.2 release is now code complete and is testing right now.  We expect to release 4.2 by mid to late August.  

    Version 4.3 will be delivered this fall (approx. 60 days after 4.2), and we’ll try to add the version info to a 4.2.x release if we can complete testing quickly.  Worse case scenario, it’s added by 4.3 in October."

  • Admin
    Justin Chalfant
    Jul 3, 2019

    More details about the current issue for context for other users:

  • Nic W
    Jul 3, 2019

    I still have an open request to the Mersive engineering team to address this. Hoping to hear back one day.

  • +10