Hello, I would like to suggest the software Amazon Corretto for the paid catalog.
Amazon Corretto Version 8 JDK & JRE: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/de_de/corretto/latest/corretto-8-ug/downloads-list.html
Amazon Corretto Version 11 JDK: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/de_de/corretto/latest/corretto-11-ug/downloads-list.html
Thank you
Previously requested on the support forum: https://patchmypc.com/forum/index.php?topic=2877.0
Afternoon. Do you have a timescale for Amazon Corretto 11. We need this version to be updated. thanks.
Hey Paul,
I'm going to try to have this reviewed by next week.
Might you have a timeline when Corretto 11 would be added? Some of our tools require a JDK 11 or higher and we also want to meet the security patch requirements.
We will look into the newer runtimes soon.
Is there any reason why only Corretto 8 is available an not version 11?