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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Created by Claudio Mendes
Created on Jul 24, 2019
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit PATCHMYPC-I-266 Check Local Content Repository for All Products.

Always Check Local Content Cache Location for Binaries Before Download Merged

Updating the title and description based on the comments below. This request is to allow the publishing service to always check if an update/application installer already exist prior to performing any download. Based on the comments below from @Claudio this can be helpful to workaround Firewall and other issues.

Edited by Justin

Original comment from Claudio:

would be nice if patch my pc would actually cache the downloads to the local content repository that is used for licensed products...

  • Claudio Mendes
    Jul 24, 2019

    yes exactly

  • Admin
    Justin Chalfant
    Jul 24, 2019

    I see I think that I misunderstood the request. So you would like the publishing service to check whether the binary exists in the cache folder first for any product being published? If a file-name and file-hash match, always use that for the update rather than downloading it from the vendor's website?

  • Claudio Mendes
    Jul 24, 2019

    because of security guys sometimes what seem to be safe url will just be blocked by them. (unless patch my pc would host every update than also that would probably help with the security guys) and also why should patch my pc download all that data if we already have it somewhere in our storage... we just need to copy it there and save internet bandwith and longs talks with the security guys regarding internet access... as longs as the hash matches this shoudn't be a problem? even for the event a patch is deleted if the sources is still there we can recreate the package faster if needed because downloads arent always super fast depending on the server... i think there are a few scenarios this would be interresting...

  • Admin
    Justin Chalfant
    Jul 24, 2019

    Hey Claudio, what would be the use case here? Would you want to be able to use those installers for other scenarios? This feature may be an interesting optional checkbox to save all install files to the cache folder.

  • Claudio Mendes
    Jul 24, 2019

    and also using that cache when possible so we can save download bandwith and time etc...