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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 31, 2019

Tableau Prep


I'd like to request Tableau Prep. Reader is already supported, so this shouldn't be that different.

1. Product: Tableau Prep | Vendor: Tableau

2. x64: 2019.2.3 | (No x86)

3. x64: 2019.2.2 | (No x86)

4. My switches: /quiet /norestart DESKTOPSHORTCUT=0 ACCEPTEULA=1

5. Link to download page

6. Release notes for 2019.2.3


I currently have Tableau Prep deployed as an application in our environment, but as often as they update and as painful as the deployment process was to figure out, I'd love to have this in PatchMyPC. I struggled to get Prep to play nice during the installation and discovered that if Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x64) is installed, Desktop cannot install correctly. Therefore, I deploy Prep via batch file that uninstalls VC2017, installs desktop, then re-installs VC2017.


Batch file for installing 2019.2.3:


REM Uninstalls Microsoft Visual C++ 2017
vc_redist.x64.exe /uninstall /quiet /norestart

timeout /t 5

TableauPrep-2019-2-3.exe /quiet /norestart DESKTOPSHORTCUT=0 ACCEPTEULA=1

timeout /t 5

REM installs Microsoft Visual C++ 2017
vc_redist.x64.exe /install /quiet /norestart

This may not be a problem for your methods, but I wanted to let you know. I spent hours getting it to work, would love to save other people some trouble if possible! Any questions, just ask, thanks!

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Apr 1, 2022

    I spoke to my team, and given that Tableau Prep has similar versioning as
    Tableau Desktop, we would say yes to splitting up the product updates by

  • Admin
    Andrew Jimenez
    Mar 31, 2022

    Hello Everyone, with the release of Tableau 2022, we are wondering if Tableau Prep needs to be split up by version like we have Tableau Desktop split up?






  • Admin
    Andrew Jimenez
    Dec 20, 2021

    Planning to have this out with our next catalog release, likely on 12/21.

  • Doug Winters
    Dec 20, 2021

    Any update son when this might be available via PatchMyPC? I am working on fixing things related to the Log4j2 vulnerabilities and will have to manually package this otherwise.

  • Admin
    Andrew Jimenez
    Dec 17, 2021

    Additionally, Tableau have taken down all the old versions thanks to log4j... Would someone be able to send over an older version of this software?

  • Admin
    Andrew Jimenez
    Dec 17, 2021

    Looking to add this app to the catalog, this looks more like Tableau Reader where it can be upgraded through the major versions just fine? Or is it more like Tableau Desktop where the version needs to match a particular server version?

  • Admin
    Justin Chalfant
    Apr 4, 2020

    I just wanted to let you all know we haven't forgotten about this request. We are working through some others at the moment that more unique customers are following. If any others come across this idea, please vote it up if it's one you would like to see added.

  • +13

Add Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep

You already support Tableau Reader. I am asking for the full Tableau Suite to be supported.
Guest about 5 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 1 SHIPPED