I'm quite colorblind and can't see Feature/BugFix/SeucrityRelease dot color differences unless they are all next to each other. Shapes would also work.
Here's some color suggestions if you'd like them. I'm also happy to consult if you have different ideas and want to check if they work.
Feature Release #78b41f
Bug Fix: #1f78b4
Security Release: #b41f2e
Ok great thanks for the update!
File here
This is the email I was referring to.
Could you attached a screenshot of an example email you receive? We have a few potential scenario's where emails will be sent I just want to make sure we address your scenario.
I get an almost daily email "Catalog Update" with dots in it. Of course now I realize that if the update is a security release it has a CVE identifier so that could be my clue instead of dot color...
Hey Todd, I just wanted to verify is this for the emails that are sent from the publishing service or the ones available on the newsletter?