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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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134 VOTE
Categories Application Request
Created by Sascha Joswig
Created on Nov 25, 2019

Autodesk DWG TrueView

Offline viewer for filetype DWG, DWF and DXF.

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  • Ashley Large
    Jul 16, 2024

    This would be very useful to us.

  • Claudio Mendes
    Mar 22, 2024


  • Kevin Adams
    Mar 21, 2024

    Hey PMPC crew... looks like this was last looked at a little over a year ago. With the work you have done with custom apps portal supporting multi-file installers, perhaps it's time to look at DWG TrueView again?


    1 reply
  • Adam Cook
    Feb 23, 2023

    Given the comments of my colleague below (I'll paste again in case you missed it), at this time we can't support this app. Kindly vote or comment on this idea in order for us to support products with this installer behaviour/functionality:

    DWG TrueView is still an issue with Patch My PC at the moment. There are 2 issues with this app:
    1. This app is a 2 part process, the exe must be extracted before getting the actual installers, typically, we can work around this by using the "Local Content Repo" option however....
    2. When the contents of the file are extracted, they are actually a multi-file installer, Patch My PC only supports single-file installers today, so this product is incompatible.
    We know this is a popular app, but we are limited by the technology at this time. We'll continue to look at ways around this in the future, but for now we will keep this as a no-go.
  • Thomas
    Jan 13, 2023

    DWG Trueview can easily be added manually as an application to ConfigMgr. Extract the file to a folder, and run "setup.exe /q" and you are good to go and use the "dwgviewer.msi" for detection.

  • Itsa live
    Oct 11, 2022
    [{"Architecture":"X64","Category":"Imaging","ContentID":"068e0b3a-21ad-457d-9718-630aeadb47a0","Description":"This desktop software enables you to view .dwg files and includes DWG TrueConvert software, which lets you convert newer .dwg files to work with older versions of AutoCAD. ","Files":[{"FileHash":"2ab30470546df0c1c453bb8604602636dfbfc8a0","FileName":"DWGTrueView_2023_English_64bit_dlm.sfx.exe","FileSize":1083219296,"HashType":"X509","URL":""}],"IconHash":"9qZa5hdGa7VJe2cmtHEcm1gWE","IconURL":"","Manufacturer":"Autodesk, Inc","MSIProductID":"","PreRequisites":["VCRedist2012x86","VCRedist2012x64","VCRedist2022x86","VCRedist2022x64","WebView2"],"ProductName":"Autodesk DWG TrueView 2023 - English","ProductURL":"","ProductVersion":"","PSDetection":"if((Get-Item \"$($env:ProgramFiles)\\Autodesk\\DWG TrueView 2023 - English\\dwgviewr.exe\" -ea SilentlyContinue).VersionInfo.ProductversionRaw -ge '') { $true } else { $false }","PSInstall":"$proc = (Start-Process -FilePath \"DWGTrueView_2023_English_64bit_dlm.sfx.exe\" -ArgumentList \"-suppresslaunch -d `\"C:\\Autodesk`\" -s -sp`\" /Q`\"\" -Wait -PassThru);$proc.WaitForExit();$ExitCode = $proc.ExitCode\r\n$proc = (Start-Process -FilePath \"C:\\Autodesk\\DWGTrueView_2023_English_64bit_dlm\\Setup.exe\" -ArgumentList \"-q\" -PassThru);$proc.WaitForExit();$ExitCode = $proc.ExitCode","PSPostInstall":"","PSPreInstall":"$old = @(\"{5783F2D7-9028-0409-0100-0060B0CE6BBA}\", \"{5783F2D7-A028-0409-0100-0060B0CE6BBA}\", \"{5783F2D7-B028-0409-0100-0060B0CE6BBA}\", \"{5783F2D7-D028-0409-0100-0060B0CE6BBA}\", \"{5783F2D7-E028-0409-0100-0060B0CE6BBA}\", \"{5783F2D7-F028-0409-0100-0060B0CE6BBA}\", \"{28B89EEF-0028-0409-0100-CF3F3A09B77D}\", \"{28B89EEF-1028-0409-0100-CF3F3A09B77D}\", \"{28B89EEF-2028-0409-0100-CF3F3A09B77D}\", \"{28B89EEF-3028-0409-0100-CF3F3A09B77D}\", \"{28B89EEF-4128-0409-0100-CF3F3A09B77D}\", \"{C1E477AF-DE1B-34E4-B76B-505C7B8FB980}\", \"{51250474-C40B-38FE-965C-75163C40F2FA}\")\r\n$old | ForEach-Object { $proc = (Start-Process -FilePath \"msiexec\" -ArgumentList \"/x $_ /qn\" -Wait -PassThru); $proc.WaitForExit() }","PSPreReq":"[Environment]::Is64BitProcess","PSUninstall":"$proc  = (Start-Process -FilePath \"$($Env:ProgramFiles)\\Autodesk\\AdODIS\\V1\\Installer.exe\" -ArgumentList \" -i uninstall --trigger_point system -m $($env:ProgramData)\\Autodesk\\ODIS\\metadata\\{EC2FCD9E-AC4D-3E9D-8526-96832A231455}\\bundleManifest.xml -x $($env:ProgramData)\\Autodesk\\ODIS\\metadata\\{EC2FCD9E-AC4D-3E9D-8526-96832A231455}\\SetupRes\\manifest.xsd -q\" -Wait -PassThru);$proc.WaitForExit();$ExitCode = $proc.ExitCode","ShortName":"DWG TrueView","SWId":221331107}]
  • Admin
    Andrew Jimenez
    Apr 22, 2022

    DWG TrueView is still an issue with Patch My PC at the moment. There are 2 issues with this app:

    1. This app is a 2 part process, the exe must be extracted before getting the actual installers, typically, we can work around this by using the "Local Content Repo" option however....

    2. When the contents of the file are extracted, they are actually a multi-file installer, Patch My PC only supports single-file installers today, so this product is incompatible.

    We know this is a popular app, but we are limited by the technology at this time. We'll continue to look at ways around this in the future, but for now we will keep this as a no-go.

  • Chris Henning
    Feb 17, 2022

    I have hundreds of user that need this app.

  • Yves te Poel
    Feb 10, 2022

    Any news on DWG Trueview ?

  • jacob Christian Dörr
    Oct 28, 2021

    hm that is wierd since i allready put it in Intunes without problem and deploying it as is without even needing anything in the command line arguments

  • Admin
    Andrew Jimenez
    Oct 27, 2021

    I'm marking this as a no-go for now. The way this software is packaged makes it very difficult to deploy via our methods at this time.

  • C.J. Woods
    Oct 26, 2021


  • Admin
    Andrew Jimenez
    Sep 1, 2021

    No news yet. We'll take another look at this app this month and try to give a definitive yes or no.

  • Andrea Bonomi
    Aug 27, 2021

    Any news?

  • Admin
    Andrew Jimenez
    Feb 5, 2021

    We've played with the idea of the prescript, the issue there is that it will not work for our customers on the basic license, or for customers who opt to use the native ConfgMgr 3rd Party Patching feature. We'll keep an eye on this and consider it in the future.

  • Liam Flynn
    Feb 4, 2021

    Justin could extracting the files be part of the pre-install script followed by the extracted files being deleted in the post install script?

  • Cory Zaner
    Oct 10, 2020

    PDQ does it I think patch my pc should be able top

  • Admin
    Justin Chalfant
    Sep 13, 2020

    We probably won't be able to support this. It seems the installer file needs to be manually extracted to perform a silent install

  • Admin
    Andrew Jimenez
    Jun 10, 2020

    I'll take a look at this one next week.

  • kyle krenz
    Jun 9, 2020

    Its june 9th of 2020, any word on this since your last update?

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  • +63

DWG TrueView

DWG TrueView Current Version: Previous Versions:
Guest about 5 years ago in Incompatible Requests 4 INCOMPATIBLE

Autodesk DWG TrueView 2023

Claudio Mendes over 1 year ago in Application Request 0 INCOMPATIBLE