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During installation, the application prompts for a device driver installation. Currently, we lack the capability to dynamically extract drivers and certificates from the vendor provided downloads in real-time, which prevents us from including this application in our catalog.
This application could be a potential candidate for our Custom Apps feature.
Here is the documentation for creating Custom Apps in Publisher:
During installation, the application prompts for a device driver installation. Currently, we lack the capability to dynamically extract drivers and certificates from the vendor provided downloads in real-time, which prevents us from including this application in our catalog.
This application could be a potential candidate for our Custom Apps feature.
Here is the documentation for creating Custom Apps in Publisher:
Here is the documentation for creating Custom Apps in PMPC Cloud:
Our uninstaller script
UNInstall Procedure:
# 1. Remove Trusted Publisher device driver certificate
# 2. Uninstall device drivers
# 2. UnInstall the main program
# Begin UNInstallation ...
# Remove driver certificate by Thumbprint
Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPublisher\2ad92c8957ce5a2e1b55ce641c15b95f73d11027 | Remove-Item
# Uninstall the device drivers
$process = "C:\PROGRA~1\DIFX\FE74CCA76FE36A56\dpinst_amd64.exe"
$args = "/S /u C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\flashforge_3d_printer.inf_amd64_e1fd447c182c5974\flashforge_3d_printer.inf"
Start-Process $process -ArgumentList $args -Wait
# Uninstall the main program
$process = "msiexec.exe"
$args = "/x {2E9FDBB5-D5E7-4C0E-B671-04B6CE1358D7} /qn"
Start-Process $process -ArgumentList $args -Wait
The 'bones' of our installer script are here
MECM Detection method:
# Detect Drivers:
# Reg Key: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\C98F8FB2B5281BBE5ADDACC007A343E925CFA238
# Reg Val: DisplayName contains "Windows Driver Package - Zhejiang Flashforge 3D Technology Co., Ltd (WinUSB) 3D Printer (08/08/2014"
# Detect Main Program:
# Executable: "C:\Program Files\FlashForge\FlashPrint 5\FlashPrint.exe" exists
# Reg key: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2E9FDBB5-D5E7-4C0E-B671-04B6CE1358D7}
# Reg Val: DisplayVersion equals 5.8.5
# Notes:
# Useful ref: https://docs.liquit.com/docs/lsc-kb2021062101
# Prep:
# 1. Obtain Trusted Certificate for Device Drivers via a test manual install and extracting using certutil as in link above
# 2. Extract msi and installer source files using the downloaded installer command: FlashPrint 5_5.8.3_x64.exe /extract
# 3. In the Setup.bat file, which installs the drivers via their own executable command lines,
# add the /S (silent install) command option to each command
# Example, in the setup.bat file:
# :WIN764
# start /wait "" "%~sdp0/win7/dpinst_amd64.exe" /S
# Install Procedure:
# 1. Install Trusted Publisher device driver certificate
# 2. Install the main program from the extracted msi
# Begin Installation ...
# Install driver certificate
Import-Certificate -FilePath $PSScriptRoot\FlashPrint5.8.5.cer -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPublisher
# Install the Main Program
$process = "msiexec.exe"
$args = "/i $PSScriptRoot\FlashPrint.msi TRANSFORMS=$PSScriptRoot\FlashPrint_RemoveDesktopShortcut.mst /qn"
Start-Process $process -ArgumentList $args -Wait