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It looks like you can already do patch updates to Teams via Webhooks. A lot of organizations that don't use Teams do use Slack, which should support a similar functionality. I know we'd greatly prefer this to getting yet another email in Outlook!
Hey Tobias,
Can you please submit this as a new idea rather than a comment for Slack so it can be better tracked.
alternative you add mattermost to the list. its not really different from slack integration:
Slack Compatibility
Mattermost makes it easy to migrate integrations written for Slack to Mattermost.
Translate Slack’s data format to Mattermost
Mattermost automatically translates the data coming from Slack:
JSON responses written for Slack, that contain the following, are translated to Mattermost markdown and rendered equivalently to Slack:
to denote a URL link, such as{"text": "<https://mattermost.com/>"}
within a<>
to define linked text, such as{"text": "Click <https://mattermost.com/|here> for a link."}
to trigger a mention to a user, such as{"text": "<5fb5f7iw8tfrfcwssd1xmx3j7y> this is a notification."}
to trigger a mention to a channel, such as{"text": "<!channel> this is a notification."}
The HTTP POST request body sent to a web service is formatted the same as Slack’s. This means your Slack integration’s receiving function does not need change to be compatible with Mattermost.
Slack attachments are supported with Slack-compatible outgoing webhooks. They also add support for mentions with <@userid> and announcement tokens (eg. <!here>) in the outgoing webhook responses.
Hi again,
teams and Slack is wonderfull, but for organisations without public Cloud access there are other tools like mattermost which can work with webhooks. Most of them use json Files to customize the properties as described here:
It would be perfect, if we can choose "custom json" instead of "Teams" or "slack" and upload our own json file to send to the given webhook url.
Hey all, we are going to start looking at this feature this month.
Also there are other tools without Cloud (Mattermost). Please do not implement specific Tool Notifications. Better give a possibility to enter json code to send via webhook url.