There isn't a category set up for this here, but this is actually for the PatchMyPC RSS feed.
While I personally find use with the aggregate catalog update report sent to the RSS feed, I've been running into a few use cases where being able to filter and receive output for specific data from the RSS feed would be helpful.
My network engineer is the person that administers our Cisco AnyConnect environment. He periodically will download and extract the MSI installer for the VPN client into the repo I have configured for PatchMyPC to use with applications requiring licensing to download (AnyConnect and Java).
Instead of relying on me checking catalog updates every data and sending him a request to update or setting up a forwarder from my email client to forward along the full catalog update report where AnyConnect happens to be mentioned, it would be much more efficient if he was able to configure an email subscription that would send him an email when an AnyConnect update is published to PatchMyPC that shows him only the AnyConnect line of the catalog update report.
My SOC engineer is monitoring a lot, but most notably her tools provide threat analysis on things such as CVEs.
Instead of relying on me parsing out applications CVEs being patched from each catalog update report or setting up a conditional forwarder from my email client to forward along the full catalog update report where a CVEs happens to be patched, it would be much more efficient if she was able to configure an email subscription that would send her an email when an update patching CVEs is published to PatchMyPC that shows her only those application updates patching CVEs.
I'll be completely honest, I'm not incedibly familiar with RSS feeds and the mechanism by which PatchMyPC delivers email subscriptions. However, as I understand it, the RSS feed is XML based, which means regex parsing is possible.
I've seen this behavior allowed on other RSS feeds, and we've actually been interested in adding this functionality internally as well, marking as noted.