I had this thought today as I was looking at the SQL Server Management Studio application that PMPC keeps nicely up to date in SCCM where the "Date Published" is Oct 2019 (which is visible to end users in Software Center).
Would it be possible to update that Date Published field to match either the date the vendor published the update or the date the application is updated in SCCM? I don't much mind which one there... Something that would relay to an end user, "Yes, this is up-to-date!"
If memory serves, I think this is set with the -ReleaseDate parameter of the Set-CMApplication cmdlet, yeah? So it could be as simple as this:
Set-CMApplication -Name $AppName -ReleaseDate (Get-Date -Format MM/dd/yyyy)
Is this a feasible change?
Small side note for additional information: I have the option set to not alter application names when PMPC updates them so the apps don't break in Task Sequences and such.