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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Status NOTED
Created by Cody Mathis
Created on Apr 28, 2020

Application 'Publish Now' context menu option

It would be useful to have an option in the context menu for applications to 'publish now'

One of the use cases for this is when you have the 'delay' option configured for application creation, and the vendor is frequently releasing updates. Such as Google Chrome. An administrator may have the delay set to wait 7 days between app release, and app publish. With Google Chrome releasing updates frequently you may see a long delay before Chrome actually gets published as the delay timer keeps getting reset.

  • Attach files
  • Jason Hall
    Nov 15, 2023

    This would be great. I see the status is noted but is there any further info about if/when this might be impletemented?

  • Guest
    May 30, 2022

    Yes, this would be handy for retrying failed updates, like for when an update is found for, say, TeamViewer and PMPC needs the user to download the msi and place in PMPC repository. Republishing just that app, would be more efficient than a whole publish cycle.

  • Paul Agdon
    May 25, 2021

    This would be a nice feature to have since there would be scenarios that you have prioritize or test a single app without disrupting your sync schedule

  • Claudio Mendes
    Mar 13, 2021


  • Guest
    Oct 22, 2020

    Would be nice to have when a new version of an application is published, which may fix a business issue, needs to be rushed to production prior to the synch cycle.

    Would also make sense for updates/patches, as well - 0 day exploit for ProductABC, publish just that product update.

  • Admin
    Justin Chalfant
    Oct 22, 2020

    Another customer also would like this to apply for updates.

  • +22

Add right click publish single ConfigMgr App

Sometimes I need to publish a single ConfigMgr App so I'd like to be able to do that without having to synchronize and update everything. Could we have a right click option to update or create a single application? At the moment the workaround is ...
Pierre Rondeau Manningham over 3 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 NOTED