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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Patch My PC Publisher

Showing 560

Add a right click option to add NoRemove to MSI based apps

It would be useful to have the ability to remove the option to uninstall the application from Add/Remove Programs. To do this, the following DWORD needs to be set in the uninstall hive for the MSI NoRemove = 1 The Publisher would need to know whic...
Ben Whitmore over 1 year ago in Patch My PC Publisher 1 SUBMITTED

Add Application Properties Distribution Settings to Publisher

Please add the option in Patch My PC Publisher to change the SCCM Application Distribution settings. Distribution Priority (High, Medium, Low)Enable for On-demand distribution (Check box) Check boxesAutomatically download content when packages are...
Jon Wojtacha 3 months ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Enable OAuth Support for sending mails from O365

Basic Authentication has been deprecated in Exchange Online, so we need to have the ability to send mails through OAuth (Graph API)
Thijs Lecomte about 5 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 7 SUBMITTED

Archive updates and intunewin packages

Archive the updates and packages to local disk Packages We support everything from VB6 on 2008 up for some legacy applications. While we can keep old packages in Intune, we'd like to keep the numbers low, two maybe three prvious versions. Sometime...
Joe McGlynn over 2 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 1 SUBMITTED

Allow Prescript to pass a variable to the commandline

There are situations where the commandline options for an install/update need to be adjusted on the fly depending on some value on the endpoint. There is no way to do that today. It would be a nice feature to be able to pass a variable to the comm...
Andrew Jimenez about 2 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 1 SUBMITTED

Integrate additional manufacturer tools into applications

I've had to spend a lot of time messing with pre/post scripts combined with adding additional tools while converting over to PMP deployments. Sometimes it's resolving an incompatibility between exe/msi installers, sometimes there's other issues th...
Jamie Rasmussen 3 months ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Create custom description option at parent level to apply to all apps

Instead of having the description of the app, we like to use the field to just say something like "For assistance, contact IT Service Desk". This option already exists to be customized for each app, but it would be a time savings to set it once an...
Chris Winney 10 months ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Remove prompt for UAC when opening Patch My PC Publisher

The Publisher's UI prompts for UAC because Settings.xml is needed for read/write in Program Files. Moving this to another location eg ProgramData would enable teams without local administrator rights on servers to manage our software.
Adam Cook over 2 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Sync Preview

a sync preview button to review the changes that will be done would be nice. like wich updates will be published or packages that will be updated
Claudio Mendes over 5 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Publisher should retry downloads

The Publisher currently only attempts downloads for packages a single time before failing. It would be beneficial for the Publisher to retry downloads a configurable number of times before failing a download. This would be especially helpful for d...
Andrew Jimenez 11 months ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED