A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
I installed the latest preview release from the Publisher UI and it prompted for a reboot. The best way to fix this is to add the 0x2 bit to the ServiceControl table entry to stop the service on install as well as uninstall.
Change ConfigMgr Source Directory for Applications
I would love to see the ability to change the name of the directory created by PMP for application deployments when stored on local file servers. For example, our deployment was setup to put all of the source data in \\fileserver\IT\Apps but due t...
It would be nice to filter the view for already published apps and updates when you want to make changes or just to see form the publisher what you have already worked on. I love the volume of apps, but sometimes I just want to see what I need to ...
It may be useful for customers to be able to see if assignments on their Intune Apps and Intune Updates are inherited from the top level. Example attached
Hey, It would be nice to have the possibility to search for GroupIDs when assigning applications for Intune. In our environment we have on Prem and Cloud groups with the same name and only wanted to assign the cloud group, which we cannot differen...
This is just to add on to the already established Teams and Slack webhook integrations.Not everyone has Teams or Slack, and Discord is a pretty good solution, which is free.I use Discord in my homelab, and already have warnings from my monitoring ...
Filter or search for known conflicted apps or notifications set.
When first setting up the product after searching the enviro, setting the custom end user notifiations to close the app, it would be nice to reduce or find all the apps known to need notices. A nice touch would be a URL link to the conflicting sit...
Batch Updates , User Score Card and Selective Scheduling...
It would be nice to be able to send users a score card of their security posture via ,teams/slack/email for the week and allow them to pick those updates to install on x day of the week outside of their working hours to reduce update fatigue befor...