A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Hey, It would be nice to have the possibility to search for GroupIDs when assigning applications for Intune. In our environment we have on Prem and Cloud groups with the same name and only wanted to assign the cloud group, which we cannot differen...
Our policy blocks the interactive powershell console, and this causes the detection scripts in Software Center to fail and thus users cannot install PatchMyPC base installs. Can you add a "right click" option to modify the argument, specifically w...
Filter or search for known conflicted apps or notifications set.
When first setting up the product after searching the enviro, setting the custom end user notifiations to close the app, it would be nice to reduce or find all the apps known to need notices. A nice touch would be a URL link to the conflicting sit...
Batch Updates , User Score Card and Selective Scheduling...
It would be nice to be able to send users a score card of their security posture via ,teams/slack/email for the week and allow them to pick those updates to install on x day of the week outside of their working hours to reduce update fatigue befor...
Publishing Report and Webhooks to show Deleted applications
We utilise the Publishing Tool to self maintain older versions of Applications and Updates. If there are over 3 older versions then the tool can delete them. This is a great feature and saves manual housekeeping. However our existing processes for...
Choose Colorblind appropriate colors for Patch My PC Catalog emails
I'm quite colorblind and can't see Feature/BugFix/SeucrityRelease dot color differences unless they are all next to each other. Shapes would also work.
Here's some color suggestions if you'd like them. I'm also happy to consult if you have differ...
We recently enabled our updates in intune, previously using only SCCM and have found the expierence with PMPC to not be so good with updates, I understand the limitations with Intune updates for 3rd party software, however the method currently bei...
Auto publishing rules based on percentage of total devices
Some orgs might want to have apps and updates automatically published if they are installed on a specific percentage of the total count of device, 10% for instance.
We want to set a default localized description in Software Center for all PatchMyPC managed apps and have the ability to break that inheritance if/when we want an app to have a custom description.
Add a Show/Hide option for unselected updates/apps
It would be useful to have something like a "Hide unselected apps/updates" checkbox in the UI so that you don't have to scroll through every application to find the ones you've already selected. First world problem I know but still....:)