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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Patch My PC Publisher

Showing 560

Picture in company portal

so if i change the picture assigned to a program in intune can we keep it , as they just look way better than the currently assigned
Guest about 4 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Add a Staging tab to test Intune Apps and Intune Updates

Last week we had to upgrade an application that's globally deployed which caused quite some hassle. We had to go into the portal, change the GUID from several connected modules in order to test out the deployments first. After succesfull t...
Bruce Sa about 4 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Customize Base Application Title - Remove architecture/installer type

Piggy-backing off Idea 240, a great addition would be the ability to remove (from the top-level of the Application tree, too) the Architecture and/or Installer Type text from the Title (what shows to the end-user in Software Center. Example: Curre...
Nic W about 4 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 1 SUBMITTED

add additional argument column view package info details next to command line column

add additional argument column view package info details next to command line column would make it easier for us verify settings and reports...
Claudio Mendes about 4 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 1 SUBMITTED

"enable all updates from the product rules that support update packages"

so we have "enable all products from the update rules that support installation packages" so it would also make sense to have the inverse "enable all updates from the product rules that support update packages"
Claudio Mendes over 4 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Delete Base App Package and Update when unselecting it

was wondering it if would make sense that when unselecting a products update or base install app it would also automatically in the next pub sync to to delete that same update/app i think it could be useful so we dont have to go manually through w...
Claudio Mendes over 4 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

auto sync rerun on failures

would be nice to have an auto re-run feature on those apps that failed to sync on their initial run. and to have options for diff time intervals for those auto re-runs to occur (immediately, 30 mins, 1 hr, etc)
Guest over 4 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Action Options for SCCM Application Manager

When running the SCCM Application Manager, it would be great to take actions (right-click and/or add buttons + multi-select checkboxes) on the listed applications prior to deleting them. Option Suggestions: Exclude from being enabled during SCCM i...
Nic W over 4 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Automatically copy non-MSI logs to the MPM default or custom log path

When a non-MSI installer automatically copy logs to the default log path, when log path is documented for example: Citrix Workspace has a documented default log path %temp%\CTXReceiverInstallLogs*.logs.
Eden Nelson over 4 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Don't suppress an application in download only mode

Don't suppress an application that need an uninstall before installing the new version when you're in download only mode (ie: inkscape)
Guest over 4 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED