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We have to support Spanish speaking users who need SQL Server Management Studio. I would assume this is the same installation procedure as the currently available SQL Server Management Studio 19 English version.
This software is more and more used by Italian companies to require Signed PDFs; Adding this would make sure that this application gets packages easily and updated by PatchMyPC.
Allow using the Java MSI in addition to the EXE for Software Updates
The Java MSI is encoded as an Enterprise installed application. It also allows for additional parameters to be passed through, whereas the exe cannot process those and kicks back an error. MSI parameters: AUTOUPDATECHECK JAVAUPDATE RebootYesNo The...
Lenovo Thininstaller is a light weight tool to patch Drivers and Firmare on Lenovo enterprise computers. You already have the Lenovo Dock Manager in the Catalogue which takes care about Lenovo Dock Firmware updates. The Dock Manager and the Thinin...