A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
With Postman API management tool having changed their model, lots of users are jumping ship to alternatives. Would be good to support the Hoppscotch fork (ex-Postwoman). https://github.com/hoppscotch/hoppscotch/releases
Visual Studio Community would be a great additionthe updates can be handle easily with the following cmd"vs_Community.exe" update update --passive --wait
New Software Catalog Request: CLO Network OnlineAuth
App: CLO Network OnlineAuth, by CLO Virtual Fashion. It is a 3D program used by our Apparel team at our company. The vendor releases 20+ new, full versions of the product and it is very difficult to keep up with such a software rollout cadence. It...
Request for Okta Verify Add-in in Standard Software
I hope you guys are doing well. I wanted to drop in a quick request regarding your standard software package. I absolutely love using your software for managing and updating programs on my computer, but I was wondering if you could add an Okta Ver...
The Intel Proset Wireless Software provides some configuration options for Intel Wifi adapters, this is supported across many different models of WiFi chips but does not appear to be included in Windows Update for Business. https://www.intel.com/c...