A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
rigth now pmpc has : requires 32bit os requirement, only install on server, only install on worksations.would be awesome to see more like: only install on "dell" workstations, only install on "laptops", only install if device has wifi, only instal...
Seems like everyone uses Adobe. The package for Azure Information protection works great. It would be great to add the plugin for Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat Reader
API support to Integrate Advanced Insights with other Products like a CMDB
We want to be able to send the data gathered by this tool automatically or Query it directly to/by other systems. For example, we would like to update data in a CMDB or use the data in Service Now CIs.We could query the new HWI tables directly, bu...
this is a tool needed for Windows 365 Cloud PC's or Azure Virtual desktops. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/multimedia-redirection?tabs=edge
Microsoft Edge is already available, but we would love to see Microsoft Edge for Business available, along with the Beta and Dev branches. The Config manager edge apps don't update themselves or force an update so this would be a great addition to...
Please add the nighly version of mRemote to be available for updates
The current version of mRemote has a vulnerability which is fixed in the nightly update version. It would be nice to be able to patch the systems using that version as an option.
Option not to run post script if app or update fails
We regularly use postscripts and noticed they are still running when app installs or updates fail. We only want the postscript running if the app install or update completes successfully. We regularly update information in the uninstall key in our...