A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Currently the search field allow to search device name, user name, software name. Would be nice to allow more values to be search, example like serial number of monitor.
We have certain task sequence steps that use the checkbox "Continue on error". They work fine in ConfigMgr, but show up as errors in OSD dashboards. Our current workaround from support works perfectly, but involves manually editing sql files after...
When we edit a dashboard and leave grid space between items, once it is saved, the items become scrunched together. If we could save them with spacing on any side, dashboards would be more presentable. Our partial workaround is to insert a semi-un...
Subscribe to new version notifications for Advanced Insights
We are in love with the Advanced Insights product and want to ensure we keep it up to date. Currently we are manually checking the release notes page but it would be great to be able to subscribe to notifications of a new update is available. http...
Ability to add columns to the hardware view in advanced insights
Our IT would find it useful to be able to add additional columns, for example in hardware -> displays if they could add the monitors serial numbers this would be very handy rather then having to go through the additional clicks to get the infor...
Advanced Insights provides a great high-level overview of many of these dashboards. When trying to drill in and identify trends, I've noticed that there's almost always more device info I wish was in the tables with no ways of adding it. Some spec...