A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
An option to block certain apps from being deployed in a company, to prevent mistakes (prefferable together with an explanation and an override option).
The OnPrem Publisher includes the Intune Application Manager Utitlity, which allows bulk actions to be made in Intune: delete PMPC publisher win32 apps manage assignments - create, edit or remove Doing this actions from the Portal itself can be us...
Custom defaults for Conflicting Process > Settings
We frequently adjust the advanced settings within the conflicting processes section. As a business, we typically use the same configuration 90% of the time, allowing our end users to become familiar with options such as how many times they can def...
Set logging to a different directory - PMPC Cloud Currently, the logs are saved under %programdata%\PatchMyPCIntuneLogs.Please provide an option to allow logs to be saved to a different location.
When I publish an app to Intune it shows up in the deployment list but it doesn't tell me how it was deployed. Having visual indicators on the apps in the list would be nice. A way to sort would be nice too.
Overview or Indicator of set "New Version Notifications" in Cloud Portal
When you use "New Version Notifications" there is no indicator which shows on which app it is enabeld, or an overview which apps have a Notification set. Hence it would be great if there is a green indicator on the app, like green deployed icon
assuming that UAT groups are mostly applied to all apps in the same manner it would make sense to enable some kind of global assignments. (like it was possible in publisher) For now its quite painfull to assign all UAT groups ( 4 in our case ) to ...