A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Set logging to a different directory - PMPC Cloud Currently, the logs are saved under %programdata%\PatchMyPCIntuneLogs.Please provide an option to allow logs to be saved to a different location.
When I publish an app to Intune it shows up in the deployment list but it doesn't tell me how it was deployed. Having visual indicators on the apps in the list would be nice. A way to sort would be nice too.
assuming that UAT groups are mostly applied to all apps in the same manner it would make sense to enable some kind of global assignments. (like it was possible in publisher) For now its quite painfull to assign all UAT groups ( 4 in our case ) to ...
We have certain events like an AGM in our organization, where we want to pause all updates for a day. From what i see we need to do it for every app individually
It would be super usefull to be able to add a notes field or even add custom fields to the apps available in the PMPC Cloud Portal (both PMPC and Custom). Notes/fields only available to your own company.
Include detailed version number in Update packages name from PMPC Cloud
The latest update of for example Python has this name in Intune when it comes from PMPC Cloud "Update for Python 3.12 3.12", and this name when it comes from the Publisher "Update for Python 3.12 3.12.6150.0 (x64)". Can the Update packages from Cl...
Add Update Scheduling to Update Conflict Notification
Hello there, our users gave us feedback regarding the notification that pops up when an application that is to be updated, is in use. Users currently only have the ability to Close & Update or Postpone the update. To our users it is unclear ho...