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PDF Architect is an alternate PDF editting solution to Adobe and others like it. The UI is modelled after MS Office to make it easier for users to navigate and learn the app.
I've seen simple comments about RSAT not going to be listed with PatchMyPC, but I haven't seen a reason given why that has been decided. I know this has been asked before, just hoping for more clarity. We absolutely have a need for an offline sour...
Hi, this is a software used by schools in Switzerland to manage the students and their grades. We are offering Scappman in the public sector and it would be helpful if this can be added to the app store.
Most of the "normal" apps are available in different languages. Maybe it's possible to have a language selection or a different repository to select other language for an app.
We have over 1000 servers that we have installed Zabbix on and we use PatchMyPC to patch our 3rd party apps, would be nice to have Zabbix there to leverage PatchMyPC to do updates