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no language option for the new version of PatchMyPC
Hi, There's no language option for the new version of PatchMyPC Neither functional nor applicative. There's a blatant lack of visibility in the application. Why keep it simple when you can make it complicated. Right? The old version is so...
Hello, is it possible to provide the german installer for Irfan View? I'm informed that you can change the language easily in the settings, but we would like to provide the users immedetly the german version. We could figure out a solution with a ...
Hello, is it possible to provide the german version of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 20? The french language is provieded, so a german version would be great too. Thx in advance.
Your support for Keepass2 has been a great help. Unfortunately we are also required to ditribute the german translation pack alongside with Keepass. Since these are not updated with PatchMyPc we end up either distributing translationspacks for old...