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Add search box to device's Software Inventory page
Add a search box, similar to the one under Managed Devices, so we can quickly find things under a specific device without having to expand the list and Ctrl+F.
As with other Dell products, it would be immensely helpful to have this program patched/packaged with PMPC. I just ran into an issue the other day, with a new laptop, because I had an older version.
It would be great if you could deploy & patch PowerShell modules (natively via PatchMyPC so I can request it and have it kept up-to-date by y'all). The Azure PowerShell cmdlets might have an MSI installer but many other PowerShell cmdlets by M...
We use PatchMyPC to uninstall certain unwanted software. We would love it, if there was an option able to be notified when those software are uninstalled. (This feature could be expanded to setup install & update notifications for certain apps...
Visual Studio Community would be a great additionthe updates can be handle easily with the following cmd"vs_Community.exe" update update --passive --wait
Since all our platforms are Dell, and the DSIA Agent is installed on all devices, i would love to get more hardware info from the devices. Specifically Dell Docking and their firmware/serial so we can keep track of the type of docking and warrant ...
Independed agent that enables more granular control over app deployment and patching
the dependency on intune or wsus means the push of apps and updates cannot be timed, verified and troubleshooted fast and easy enough. I want to be able to push an app update immediately if an exploit is found, be it to one specific or multiple en...